Helping people discover hope, change, and growth.

Faith | Mental Health | Family | Living Well

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Articles about what the Bible teaches about life, discipleship, relationships, and our struggles.


Insights I’ve learned in over 15 years of working with families, and lessons I’ve learned from my own failures.

Mental Health

Discussions about the things that plague us: anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, and fear.


Articles rooted in philosophy, psychology, and my own -ology about living well and growing.

Meet The Author

I’m John Guerrero.

I’m a licensed counselor and former pastor and teacher. I have been working in the people-helping field for almost 17 years, and I have been studying and learning from Scripture since my teens. This website allows me to combine both of those passions.

I live in a small town in Texas with my wife and our three kids, where I work as a professional counselor, and play the bass guitar in my church worship band. I enjoy being outdoors, hiking, kayaking, fishing, and enjoying nature, and I am passionate about living well and enjoying the abundant life that God wants for us.

Recent Blog Posts

  • Focus Becomes Reality

    Focus Becomes Reality

    This quote has been floating around in my head today: What you focus on becomes your reality.  That’s a challenge for me. I’ve realized that lately I’ve been feeling a certain way about my life, primarily because of the focus of my mind.  When I focus on all the things that…

  • Parenting as a Calling

    Parenting as a Calling

    Do we see our role as the fulfillment of a God-given calling? Paul David Tripp, in his book Parenting, discusses the role of parents as one of the most  important callings in life. He says that parenting is “about a calling – one of the most  significant callings that could…

  • Growing in Knowledge and Wisdom

    Growing in Knowledge and Wisdom

    The Stoic philosopher Epictetus once said, “We should not trust the masses who say only the free can be educated, but rather the lovers of wisdom who say that only the educated are free.”   And author Ryan Holiday (Stoic expert who writes online at Daily Stoic) says, “Knowledge – especially…

  • Grace for the Imperfect

    Grace for the Imperfect

    My wife tells me often that I’m a great dad, that I’m a great husband, that I do a good job of taking care of things, that she appreciates me. I have to admit that I don’t always agree with her. I often struggle to see my own “goodness” even…

  • Allowing Room for Both Sorrow and Joy

    Allowing Room for Both Sorrow and Joy

    So often we have an either/or mentality about our emotional experiences. We think we either need to be sad or be happy. If we’re sad, or hurting about something in life, we think we need to bring ourselves back to a place of joy and get rid of that pain.…

  • Gratitude Leads to Joy

    Gratitude Leads to Joy

    Gratitude is the starting point. With real gratitude, contentment is produced. And consistent contentment leads to ongoing joy. If I’m unhappy with my life, I need to examine my level of gratitude. How grateful am I for what I already have? Am I, in my unhappiness, thinking that having more…

  • The Infectiousness of Sin

    The Infectiousness of Sin

    Genesis chapter 4 is a story of “firsts.” Throughout the 26 verses that make up this chapter, we see many first-time activities described, that set the stage for what will take place as the story of Scripture continues.  All these firsts are significant. Some are indicators of God’s favor and…


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